Imagine a world with no colors! That would be dreadful.
Thankfully, our Creator designed the world using a vast array of colors. They're all around us. In the sky, on the ground, and in secret places, too, like rainbows and gardens and jewels. Red, green, blue, orange, yellow, purple, beige, pink, lavender, indigo, turquoise, and hot pink. The list is endless.
Researchers tell us the human eye can detect 100 different levels of red-green shades and 100 levels of yellow-blue shades. That works out to about 10 million colors that humans can see in the world. God must have been laughing with joy and excitement when He designed the world full of colors for our enjoyment and pleasure.
I invite you to celebrate the imagery of colors marvelously and wonderfully displayed in the world around you!
"The heavens tell the glory of God. And the skies announce what his hands have made." (Ps 19:1 ICB)
Delia Morgan, Award–Winning Mixed Media Artist